Research project SO/01/006 (Research action SO)
The pension system of most industrialized countries is undergoing major changes in recent years. Reforms are set high in the political agenda of most governments and international organizations such as OECD and the World Bank. A constant is to be noted in all these reforms: the ever-growing importance of the private pole of the pension regime (either on a voluntary basis – third pillar- or with the development of work related pension benefits second pillar). This evolution is not leaving Belgium unaffected.
This research sketches the development of the so-called second and third pillar of the pension regime (known as the invisible pensions) starting form a broad definition of social security and endorsed by an extended overview of the legislation. In this respect, attention is focused on the new legislation on complementary pension schemes. The sociological analyses conducted offer insights in the importance and also on the distribution of these schemes in the population. The consequences and the points of debate of the policies conducted since the 80’s are put into light.
Onzichtbare pensioenen in Belgïe : een onderzoek naar de aard, de omvang en de verdeling van de tweede en derde pensioenpijler : eindrapport
Gieselink, Gerhard - Peeters, Hans - Van Gestel, Veerle ... et al Gent : Academia Press, 2003 (PB6000)
Les pensions invisibles en Belgique, une étude sur la nature, le volume et la répartition des deuxième et troisième pilier des pensions : résumé
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2003 (SP1253)
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Onzichtbare pensioenen in Belgïe: een onderzoek naar de aard, de omvang en de verdeling van de tweede en derde pensioenpijler : samenvatting
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1254)
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Invisible pensions in Belgium. An investigation of the nature, scope and distribution of the second and third pension pillars : summary
Brussels : Science Policy Office, 2003 (SP1255)
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Bibliografic references :
Invisible pensions in Belgium. On the nature, scope and distribution of second and third pillar pensions.
PEETERS H., VAN GESTEL V., GIESELINK G., BERGHMAN J. & VAN BUGGENHOUT B. Paper presented at the ISSA-conference, Antwerp, Int. Social Security Association., 2003/May
Invisible pensions in Belgium. On the nature, scope and distribution of second and third pillar pensions.
PEETERS H., VAN GESTEL V., GIESELINK G., BERGHMAN J. & VAN BUGGENHOUT B. Paper presented at the ESA-conference, September, 23-26th 2003. Murcia (Spain), The ESA Research network on ageing in Europe.International Social Security Association., 2003/Sep
Les pensions invisibles en Belgique. Une etude sur la nature, le volume et la repartition des deuxième et troisième pilier des pensions.
PEETERS H., VAN GESTEL V., GIESELINK G., BERGHMAN J. & VAN BUGGENHOUT B. Revue belge de la sécurité sociale, 45(4), 2003
Onzichtbare pensioenen in België. Een onderzoek naar de aard, omvang en verdeling van de tweede en derde pensioenpijler.
PEETERS H., VAN GESTEL V., GIESELINK G., BERGHMAN J. & VAN BUGGENHOUT B. Belgisch tijdschrift voor sociale zekerheid, 45(4), 2003
Onzichtbare pensioenen in België: een onderzoek naar de aard, de omvang en de verdeling van de tweede en derde pensioenpijler. Gent,
GIESELINK G. e.a. Gent, Academia Press, 2003