Research project SO/01/012 (Research action SO)
The theory of the transitional labour market has mobility in the labour market at its centre-point. By analysing this phenomenon, we can map out the dynamic character of the labour market. School leavers enter the labour market as newcomers, pensionable workers leave it, others leave the labour market early, for example through the bridging retirement scheme, some wage-earners withdraw through career breaks and others change jobs.
The availability of statistical data to map out currents in the labour market is critical to the future development of the theory of the transitional labour market and the concept of mobility. It is essential to gather adequate information with the help of dynamic statistics to get a clear picture of the different currents in the labour market. One of the resources that can be used for this purpose is the Eurostat Labour Force Survey. This survey contains a retrospective question enquiring into the labour market situation one year before the survey is held. Other resources are panel-surveys (like the European household panel) which follow a group of people for a specific period, allowing the respondents' career can be mapped out.
Another possibility would be to extract statistics from administrative data. Great progress has been made in Belgium in that respect with the construction of the 'Datawarehouse'. In the Datawarehouse, the main information in the administrative Social Security databases is linked up. All residents known to the Belgian social security instances are contained in the Datawarehouse. The objective of this paper is to introduce Datawarehouse and to discuss the way in which it can be an important tool for analysing mobility in the labour market. In Part one, we discuss the construction, possibilities and limitations of the Datawarehouse. Since the entire database is enormous and for legal reasons and privacy protection, the data of the Datawarehouse cannot be used freely. Therefore, a system of basic applications is used to compile a number of tables, which contain an increasing quantity of permutations and a more detailed distribution for larger geographical areas. Furthermore, it is also possible to make specific requests for tailor-made information.
Mobiliteit op de arbeidsmarkt meetbaar maken : samenvatting
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2006 (SP1602)
[To download]
Making mobility in the labour market measurable : summary
Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2006 (SP1603)
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Description de quelques éléments de l’échantillon construit à partir des données
contenues dans le datawarehouse de la Banque carrefour de la sécurité Sociale : annexe
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2006 (SP1604)
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Rendre la mobilité sur le marché du travail mesurable : résumé
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2006 (SP1605)
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