Research project T4/DD/14 (Research action T4)
Objectives :
The aim of this Project was to modify and validate the CSL interferometric SAR (InSAR) processor, developed under two previous TELSAT-3 study Contracts in the context of ERS-1/2 imagery, for the processing of JERS-1 (Japan) and RADARSAT (Canada) SAR images.
This Project was submitted as a Feasibility Study under the TELSAT-4 Programme. The User Partner (requesting the study) was the Museum for Central Africa KMMA/(MRAC), and the Scientific Partner (carrying out the study) was Centre Spatial de Liège (MRAC).
MRAC was interested in validating InSAR for JERS and RADARSAT images as part of its activities on the monitoring of volcanic risk over the Philippines (Mayon and Balusan volcanoes), for which specific characteristics of these two satellites (carrier frequency, polarisation, incidence angle, data availability) are more favourable than those of the ERS-1/2 system.
Methods :
Step 1 : study of JERS-1 and RADARSAT imagery specificities and their incidences on the current CSL InSAR processor design.
Step 2 : modification of the current CSL InSAR processor following the results of Step 1 and validation on JERS-1 and RADARSAT datasets.
Results :
The CSL InSAR processor was successfully validated for RADARSAT data.
All efforts deployed to obtain the required JERS-1 data (Single-Look Complex images) revealed unsuccessful.