Cultural Heritage Automatic Analysis Network Europe (CHANGE)

Projet de recherche BL/00//FWI25 (Action de recherche BL)

Personnes :

  • Dhr.  HANEGREEFS Davy - Cinémathèque royale de Belgique (CRB)
    Partenaire financé belge
    Durée: 20/1/2018-14/12/2020
  • M.  VERSTOCKT Steven - Universiteit Gent (UGent)
    Partenaire financé belge
    Durée: 20/1/2018-14/12/2020

Description :


Objectives of the networking
- Dissemination of state of the art information on available AI tools and their functionalities, as well as practical examples of their deployment for digital heritage management. Both on a local and international level.
- Connecting FHI’s with worldwide AI-analysis experts, for exchange of experiences and possibilities.
- Organizing practical training and information sessions for FHI’s on the possibilities and limitations of AI-analysis.
- Creating a database of expert centres and contact persons on AI development for cultural heritage management.
- Create 3 state-of-the-art reports on various subjects, related to the network focus, followed by workshops on these subjects with examples from these reports.
- Select and set-up two test cases with small content sets from Belgian FHI’s.
- Organize a final network conference, where international experts and project partners can present their findings, the two test cases can be presented, and a collaboration speed date will be organized. The latter will allow FHI’s to present ideas and plans for their own digital collections to technical, AI and funding experts, to allow them to find suitable calls and potential project partners.
At the end of the project lifetime, the idea is to have a living network that provides a platform for FHI’s to share their experiences and a way for them to connect with local and international experts on all matters AI and automatic analysis.

Long term perspective regarding institutional research cooperation
- Stimulating collaborations:
The network seeks to actively bring together FHI’s, digital experts, as well as governmental and funding institutions. Not only to inform them on the possibilities of the technical solutions, but also to stimulate the exchange of ideas and thoughts, and actively disseminate information on funding opportunities for the development of potential solutions. Bringing together these elements will naturally stimulate collaborations.
- Raising technical knowledge at FHI-level:
New digital tools are rapidly being developed for a great variety of uses. Some of them can also have a great positive influence on the operational level of many FHI’s. This information, however, is still too dispersed in many sources, and does not always reach the FHI’s. By collecting state of the art information on tools that have already proven their use for cultural heritage management, and delving deeper into other tools that show a promise of being able to raise their operational level, CHANGE can not only provide suitable and useful information, but also stimulate ideas for digital solutions.