Synthetic Organic Pigments Research Aggregation Network (SOPRANO)

Projet de recherche BL/39/21 (Action de recherche BL)

Personnes :

  • Dhr.  FREMOUT Wim - Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique (IRPA)
    Partenaire financé belge
    Durée: 20/12/2018-14/12/2020

Description :


Objectives of the networking
- The establishment of a collaborative database for documentation on synthetic organic pigments (SOPs)
Each partner will add their existing and future knowledge on SOPs (history of usage, production, occurrence in art,…) in a common database. This will significantly facilitate researchers to find crucial information on SOPs, help in their case studies and authentication studies and gear further in-depth research on SOPs.
- Access to SOP collections and shared analytical results on reference samples
Unique historic reference samples of SOPs will be shared among the participants in order to utilize and evaluate the analytical capacities to a maximum extent. Analytical data will be shared in spectral libraries.
- Networking and fostering cooperation
Partners will have the opportunity to set out their existing knowledge, analytical capabilities and research topics within the network and to external researchers. This will stimulate cooperation in case studies (e.g. requesting expert advice from researchers specialised in a specific subtopic) and teaming up for future transnational research projects, between the partners as well as with external researchers.

Long term perspective regarding institutional research cooperation
The dedicated SOPRANO website, hosted at KIK-IRPA, will eventually become the cornerstone of the network. It will act as a gateway to the gathered documentation and spectral libraries. The network members will be presented and the scientific community will be informed on research projects on SOP documentation and authentication (if legally allowed). All researchers involved in SOP documentation will be able to benefit from and contribute to the database. In the long term, the SOPRANO website will continue to bring together the community of existing and new researchers and provide sustainability to the network.