Bacterial adaptation to space environment (BASE)

Projet de recherche PX/8/LP/20 (Action de recherche PX)

Personnes :

  • Dr.  LEYS Natalie - Centre d'étude de l'Energie nucléaire (CEN) (CEN)
    Coordinateur du projet
    Partenaire financé belge
    Durée: 1/1/2006-31/12/2008
  • Prof. dr.  MAHILLON Jacques - Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
    Partenaire financé belge
    Durée: 1/1/2006-31/12/2008
  • Dr.  WATTIEZ Ruddy - Université de Mons (UMONS)
    Partenaire financé belge
    Durée: 1/1/2006-31/12/2008
  • Prof.  CORNELIS Pierre - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
    Partenaire financé belge
    Durée: 1/1/2006-31/12/2008

Description :

The main objective of the BASE experiment is to study how bacteria cope with and adapt to the different space flight environmental parameters (e.g. microgravity, cosmic radiation, space electromagnetism, space vibrations). BASE is needed to assess how space flight conditions might influence the bacterial potential to contaminate and biodeteriorate the space habitat (biodegradation & biocorrosion of structural materials), to endanger crew health, or their function in waste recycling or food production systems.

Satellite(s) or flight opportunity(ies):


Field of research:

Life Science: Molecular and Cell Biology