Interpretation of Cluster observations in key regions of the magnetosphere

Projet de recherche PX/8/SS/01 (Action de recherche PX)

Personnes :

  • Dr.  ROTH Michel - Institut royal d'Aéronomie spatiale de Belgique (IASB)
    Coordinateur du projet
    Partenaire financé belge
    Durée: 1/1/2005-31/12/2007

Description :

Cluster, an ESA cornerstone mission, is composed of four identical spacecraft that are determining the physical processes involved in the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere in key plasma regions. The interpretation of these data will contribute to the understanding of important physical processes operating in the magnetopause and plasmasphere regions. Our project can be divided into 2 main topics:

- Processing Cluster observations to advance our understanding of the Earth’s Magnetopause and Boundary Layer;
- Processing Cluster observations to advance our understanding of the Earth’s Plasmasphere and Plasmapause.

Satellite(s) or flight opportunity(ies):


Field of research:

Space Sciences: Solar and Plasma Physics