LYRA - Preparation for Data Exploitation

Projet de recherche PX/8/SS/16 (Action de recherche PX)

Personnes :

  • Dr.  HOCHEDEZ Jean-François - Observatoire Royal de Belgique (ORB)
    Coordinateur du projet
    Partenaire financé belge
    Durée: 1/1/2005-31/12/2007
  • Dr.  GILLOTAY Didier - Institut royal d'Aéronomie spatiale de Belgique (IASB)
    Partenaire financé belge
    Durée: 1/1/2005-31/12/2007

Description :

LYRA is the solar UV radiometer that will embark in early ‘07 on-board PROBA-2. The objective of the instrument is to monitor the solar irradiance in passbands relevant to Solar Physics, Space Weather (SpW) and Aeronomy. The new dawn-dusk orbit opens the prospect for a quasi-continuous Sun observing orbit, enhancing LYRA’s worth and especially Space Weather nowcasting, while keeping occultation events. It also demonstrates solar-blind diamond detectors and filters. As PI-institute, the ROB maximizes the future LYRA returns by governing the instrument development, and by preparing the exploitation of LYRA irradiance time-series. We are additionally responsible for the test & calibration plan, and for part of its implementation, the onboard software specifications, part of the operation ground segment, and for data reformatting/processing.

Satellite(s) or flight opportunity(ies):


Field of research:

Space Sciences: Solar and Plasma Physics / Earth Observation: Atmospheric Chemistry