- Valorisation of the BRAIN-be project
TILES (Axis 2)
- Duration of the project: 15/03/2019 – 15/03/2021
- Budget: 20.000 €
- Coordinator: Vera Van Lancker (KBIN-IRSNB)
- BELSPO programme manager: LEFEVER Koen
- Project description
- Project website
- Reports
- Final Report: Seabed CommUnity Initiative: communicating sustainability challenges of marine sand use in a changing world (Seabed4u)
- Valorisation of the BRAIN-be project RAVEN (Pioneer projects)
- Duration of the project: 15/03/2019 – 15/03/2021
- Budget: 20.000 €
- Coordinator: Maarten Reyniers (KMI-IRM)
- BELSPO programme manager: VAN DER WERF Aline
- Project description
- Project website
- Media
- 11-04-2021 - Bird migration across the Benelux
Ten weather radars detect bird migration across the Benelux, and you can watch in real time!
Every spring and autumn, millions of birds migrate over our country. They do this mainly at high altitudes and at night, which makes the phenomenon largely invisible to us. But not for weather radars!
On a web application, anyone can view this migration in real time across the Benelux. It shows that bird migration started exceptionally early this year, and that has everything to do with the unusually warm weather in the second half of February.
- Reports
- Final Report: Communicating RAVen to the Outside World (CROW)
- Valorisation of the BRAIN-be project TrIASAs (Axis 1)
- Duration of the project: 15/03/2019 – 15/03/2021
- Budget: 20.000 €
- Coordinator: Quentin Groom (JBM)
- BELSPO programme manager: VAN DER WERF Aline
- Valorisation of the BRAIN-be project BELBEES (Axis 1)
- Duration of the project: 15/03/2019 – 15/03/2021
- Budget: 20.000 €
- Coordinator: Pierre Rasmont (UMons)
- BELSPO programme manager: VAN DER WERF Aline
- Project description
- Project website
- Reports
- Final Report: Multidisciplinary assessment of BELgian wild BEE decline to adapt mitigation management policy
- Annexe 1: Les bourdons de la Belgique
- Annexe 2: Species assessementof the Red List of Belgian wild bees
- Annexe 3: Belgian Red List of Bees
- Media
Transnational Belgium & INSIGHT. Valorisation of the collections
- Valorisation of the BRAIN-be projects TIC-BELGIUM - INSIGHT (Axis 3)
- Duration of the project: 15/03/2019 – 15/03/2021
- Budget: 20.000 €
- Coordinator: Christophe Verbruggen (UGent)
- BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges
A ‘TRANSMEMO’ podcast about the social impact of War and Occupation on family
- Valorisation of the BRAIN-be project TRANSMEMO (Axis 3)
- Duration of the project: 15/03/2019 – 15/03/2021
- Budget: 20.000 €
- Coordinator: Nico Wouters (AGR-ARA/CEGESOMA)
- BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges
- Project description
- Project website
- Reports
- Final Report: A ‘TRANSMEMO’ Podcast about the social impact of war and occupation on family memories (TRANSMISSION)
- Media
Les transmissions: la guerre en héritage
Florence Rasmont & Guillaume Abgrall
- YouTube: 'Les transmissions. La guerre en héritage'. (De Overdracht. De erfenis van de oorlog).
Présentation de la série ‘Les Transmissions: la guerre en héritage’ dans laquelle la parole est donnée à des descendants de résistants ou de collaborateurs durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Interview de Florence Rasmont.
Voorstelling van de reeks ‘Les Transmissions : la guerre en héritage’ (De Overdracht: de erfenis van de oorlog) waarin het woord wordt gegeven aan nakomelingen van verzetslieden of collaborateurs van de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
Interview van Florence Rasmont.
Improving the accessibility & reusability of the AIRCHECQ deliverables to new disciplines
- Valorisation of the BRAIN-be project AIRCHECQ (Axis 6)
- Duration of the project: 15/03/2019 – 15/03/2021
- Budget: 20.000 €
- Coordinator: Olivier Schalm (AMA)
- BELSPO programme manager: JAMART Georges
- Project description
- Project website
- Reports
- Final Report: Improving the accessibility & reusability of the AIRCHECQ deliverables to new disciplines (AIRCHECQ+)
Sustainable Development and for profit food companies: Who? What? How? Why?
- Valorisation of the BRAIN-be project FOOD4SUSTAINABILITY (Axis 5)
- Duration of the project: 15/03/2019 - 15/03/2021
- Budget: 20.000 €
- Coordinator: Marek Hudon (SBS-EM)
- BELSPO programme manager: BOURGEOIS Emmanuèle
Dissemination Tools for Research in Criminal Justice
- Valorisation of the BRAIN-be project JAM and Be-Gen (Axis: 4 & 5)
- Duration of the project: 15/06/2019 – 15/06/2021
- Budget: 20.000 €
- Coordinator: B. Renard & Ch. Mincke (INCC)
- BELSPO programme manager: BOURGEOIS Emmanuèle
Setting the future scene of e-inclusion
- Valorisation of the BRAIN-be project BRAIN-be IDEALiC (Axis: 5)
- Duration of the project: 15/06/2019 – 15/12/2020
- Budget: 20.000 €
- Coordinator: Patricia Vendramin (UCLouvain)
- BELSPO programme manager: BOURGEOIS Emmanuèle
- Project description
- Project website
- Events
- 05.09.2019 - Colloquium
IDEALIC, Colloquium on the future of Digital Inclusion in Belgium
- Reports
BRAIN-TRansversal Assessment of Intermodal New Strategies Trainer
- Valorisation of the BRAIN-be project BRAIN-TRAINS (Axis 4 )
- Duration of the project: 15/03/2019– 15/03/2021
- Budget: 20.000 €
- Coordinator: Thierry Vanelslander (UA)
- BELSPO programme manager: BOURGEOIS Emmanuèle