Research project AG/DD/45 (Research action AG)
Project description
In Belgium, there are still few studies of managerial staff in existence. Nor, indeed, is there an accepted definition for this staff category. As a result, managerial staff as such do not appear in official statistics.
Nevertheless, managerial staff have organisations that defend their interests and are also represented within federal bodies. In order to set up an observatory system for managerial staff under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Employment and Labour’s Advisory Committee for Managerial Staff, the studies within the project’s framework will examine the feasibility of an instrument for providing a detailed overview of such staff. In addition, a preparatory study will be conducted in the form of a survey in order to illustrate relevant decision-making.
Scientific support is required in order to study the feasibility of any statistical instrument for managerial staff and draw up the necessary recommendations for its existence. This section involves a study of existing literature in order to determine and define the investigation sample. Section one of the study will also investigate areas in which today’s statistics fall short of painting a full picture of managerial staff.
The aim of section two will be to conduct a preparatory investigation of managerial staff in the form of a survey. The scientific team will determine the way in which this survey is to proceed and the variables it uses, and produce a preparatory analysis of the results in support of the observatory system being set up to cover managerial staff.
Voorbereidende studie voor het oprichten van een observatiesysteem van het kaderpersoneel : eindrapport
Delmotte, Jeroen - Van Gyes, Guy - De Troyer, Marianne Brussel : DWTC, 2002 (SP1098)
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