Optimalisation and valorisation of the database « Collectively agreed wages and working time » (COA-CCT)

Research project AG/HH/111 (Research action AG)

Persons :

Description :

Information on bargained wages is determined by collective agreements in Belgium. At the sector level, this bargaining is organised by 170 sector committees. For statutory reasons these collective agreements are collected by the Federal Public Service ‘Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue’. This public administration organises the (possible) legal extension of the agreement for all the employers and employees of a sector. The labour inspectorate of the same administration has the task to control the implementation of these agreements on wages and working time.

Each sector committee has its own way of dealing with these wage and working time bargaining questions. They use sector-specific job classifications, systems to calculate a pay increase, wage premiums, etc... This sector-specific information on wages and working times based on collective agreements is collected in a database by the Federal Public Service ‘Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue’.

The project wants to optimalize the exploitation of this database. The project has two main parts: a) dissemination of the database information, b) the calculation of a wage and working time index based on this information. For the first part a new web-application will be developed for a selection of economic sectors. The second part will make a comparative analysis of the current index calculation.

Documentation :

Proposition pour améliorer la méthodologie de calcul des indices des salaires et des durées de travail conventionnels (Note finale 2) : rapport final    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2007 (SP1875)
[To download

DATABASE CAO-lonen en arbeidstijden en webapplicatie (Eindnota 1) : beperkte haalbaarheidsstudie    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2007 (SP1876)
[To download