Research project SE/D8/02 (Research action SE)
In a context of trade deregulation and globalisation, the role of the State is in question. Is the state merely the guarantor of the market's proper
functioning or does the state have specific functions in maintaining social cohesion? This debate is present in Europe and alive in our country. It
is complicated by European integration and federalisation, which multiply the levels of power. Yet because these socio-economic
transformations imply a risk of social and economic marginalisation, and are the source of environmental or other unbalances, local and voluntary
actions are emerging in increasing number to develop new production and marketing chains and new frameworks. How can the State assess
and support such experiments which correspond with some of its basic missions but which do not readily fit into classic sector-based processes.
The field of analysis and experimentation our research will explore includes several agricultural and rural development initiatives which aim to
offset the negative effects of transformations in the agricultural sector. They attempt all at once to combat social and local marginalisation
processes, to restore a dialogue between producers and consumers, to take into account and give value to environmental contributions, to fit in
with a picture of balanced trade on a global scale.
In this perspective, our first aim is to constitute a basic methodology combining various economic, sociological, and environmental analytical
tools, taking into account the various assessment scales (local, regional, federal) and seeking to construct an integrated instrument. Several
local experiments are chosen, analysed in detail, and finally evaluated so as to determine their feasibility conditions, their contradictions, and their
current and future viability.
On the basis of this analysis, we then examine the role of the Federal state's various instruments of public intervention in this development:
product standards, consumer policy, taxation, and various regulations will be examined as interacting factors liable to favour and orient these
Pourquoi et comment l'Etat peut-il intervenir dans le développement de l'économie sociale?: résumé de la recherche
Van Huylenbroeck G. - Mormont M. - Vannoppen J. Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0695)
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Waarom en hoe kan de Staat tussenkomen in de ontwikkeling van de sociale economie?: samenvatting van het onderzoek
Van Huylenbroeck G. - Mormont M. - Vannoppen J. Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0696)
[To download]
Why and how can the State intervene in the development of the social economy sector?: summary of the research
Van Huylenbroeck G. - Mormont M. - Vannoppen J. Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0697)
[To download]