Transmission routes of noroviruses, emerging human pathogens in food
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 01/01/2007 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 569.911€
- Keywords: Norovirus, detection, molecular typing, zoonose, food safety, risk
- Promotors: Prof. Etienne Thiry / (Alexandra Scipioni), ULg -
Mieke Uyttendaele / Johan Debevere, UGent -
Katelijne Dierick / B. Brochier, ISP/WIV -
Lieve Herman / (Els Van Coillie), ILVO -
Georges Daube, ULg
- Contract number: SD/AF/01A - SD/AF/01B
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Transmission routes of Noroviruses, emerging human pathogens
present in the food chain
- Summary (phase
1): Transmission routes of Noroviruses, emerging human pathogens present in the food chain
- Final Report: Transmission routes of Noroviruses, emerging human pathogens
present in the food chain
- Summary of the results: Transmission routes of Noroviruses, emerging human pathogens
present in the food chain
Impact of tropospheric Ozone on Food and Feed Quality of Brassica species
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 705.911€
- Keywords: Ozone, Brassicaceae, antioxidants, glucosinolates, chlorophyll fluorescence.
- Promotors:
Dr Ir Karine Vandermeiren / Dr Ir L. De Temmerman, CERVA/CODA -
Nele Horemans, UA -
Birgit Gielen, UA
- Contract number: SD/AF/02A - SD/AF/02B
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Impact of troposheric Ozone on Food and Feed Quality of Brassica
- Summary (phase
1): Impact of troposheric Ozone on Food and Feed Quality of Brassica species
- Final report: Impact of troposheric Ozone on Food and Feed Quality of Brassica species
- Summary of the results: Impact of troposheric Ozone on Food and Feed Quality of Brassica species
Development of an integrated strategy for controlling the allergen issue in the Belgian food and catering industry
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 799.231€
- Keywords: allergens, ELISA, PCR, mass spectrometry, food stuffs
Promotors: Marc De Loose / Els Daeseleire, ILVO -
Bruno De Meulenaer / Bart Devreese, UGent -
Edwin De Pauw / Guy Maghuin-Rogister, ULg -
Wim Stevens / Didier Ebo, UA
- Contract number: SD/AF/03A - SD/AF/03B
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Development of an integrated strategy for controlling the allergen
issue in the Belgian food and catering industry
- Summary (phase
1): Development of an integrated strategy for controlling the allergen issue in the Belgian food and catering industry
- Final Report: Development of an integrated strategy for controlling the allergen issue in the Belgian food and catering industry Annexes are available upon request
- Summary of the results: Development of an integrated strategy for controlling the allergen issue in the Belgian food and catering industry
Multifunctionality and local identity as paradigms for sustainable and competitive agriculture
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 791.649€
- Keywords: Multifunctionality, competitiveness, territorial identity, high quality
produce, sustainability, local partnerships
- Promotors: G. Van Huylenbroeck, UGent -
Georges Allaert, UGent -
Etienne Van Hecke, KULeuven -
Ludwig Lauwers / Frank Nevens, ILVO -
Catherine-Marie Leroy / (Marie Bourgeois), Fondation rurale de Wallonie
- Contract number: SD/AF/05A - SD/AF/05B
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Multifunctionality and local identity as paradigms for sustainable
and competitive agriculture
- Summary (phase
1): Multifunctionality and local identity as paradigms for sustainable and competitive agriculture
- Report Final: Multifunctionality and local identity as paradigms for sustainable
and competitive agriculture
- Summary of the results: Multifunctionality and local identity as paradigms for sustainable
and competitive agriculture
Validation of methods for the detection of new emerging pathogenic Escherichia coli
- Duration of the project: 01/01/2007 – 31/01/2009
- Budget: 345.293 €
- Keywords: STEC detection, validation, multiplex PCR, IMS
- Promotors: Lieven De Zutter / (Bjorn Possé), UGent -
Lieve Herman / Marc Heyndrickx, ILVO -
Jurgen Del-Favero, UA -
Denis Piérard, AZ-VUB -
Georges Daube / (Ann Van Den Brande), ULg
- Contract number: SD/AF/06A - SD/AF/06B
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Report: Valorization of isolation method for normalization and control
of emerging pathogenic Escherichia coli.
- Summary: Valorization of isolation method for normalization and control
of emerging pathogenic Escherichia coli.
Food interactions : effects on health, consumer perception and impact on agro-food industries
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 01/01/2007 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 398.693 €
- Keywords: Food Safety, Endocrine disruptors, mycotoxins, novel foods, chemical
risk, cell-based assays, risk perception
- Promotors: Guy Maghuin-Rogister / Marc Mormont /
Marie-Louise Scippo / Marc Muller, ULg -
Yves-Jacques Schneider / Yvan Larondelle, UCL -
Luc Pussemier, CERVA/CODA -
Ronny Blust / Wim De Coen, UA -
Sarah De Saeger / Carlos Van Peteghem, UGent
- Contract number: SD/AF/04A - SD/AF/04B
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Food interactions : effects on health, consumer perception
and impact on agro-food industries
- Summary (phase
1): Food interactions : effects on health, consumer perception and impact on agro-food industries
- Final Report : Food interactions : effects on health, consumer perception
and impact on agro-food industries
- Summary of the results: Food interactions : effects on health, consumer perception
and impact on agro-food industries
Integrated risk assessment and monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal zone
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget:1.105.091€
- Keywords: Micropollutants; ecological risk assessment; human health effecs; foodchain
transfer; monitoring tools; integrated coastal zone management.
- Promotors: Colin Janssen, UGent -
Patrick Roose, MUMM -
Hubert De Brabander, UGent -
Magda Vincx, UGent -
Jan Mees, VLIZ
- Contract number: SD/NS/02A - SD/NS/02B
Risk Of Emergence Of Viral Diseases Driven By Eco-Climatic Changes And Socio-Economical Situations
- Cluster of the research projects NORISK - SCOPE - MODIRISK
- Duration of the project:: 15/12/2012- 31/01/2012
- Budget Phase 1: 99.964€
- Keywords: Emergence of human viral infections - climate, environmental and socio-economical changes - risk assessment -
risk management.
- Promotors: Etienne Thiry, ULg - C Zwetkoff / S Brunet, ULg - Marc Coosemans, ITG Anvers
- Contract number: SD/CL/009
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Final Report: Risk of emergence of viral diseases driven by eco-climatic changes and socio-economical situations