A Multiscalar and Multiagent Modelling Framework for Assessing Sustainable Futures in a Globalised Environment
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 800.000€
- Keywords: agent-based model, globalisation, policy support, spatio-temporal analysis,
stakeholder dialogue, sustainability indicators
Promotors: Mark Rounsevell, UCL -
Guy Engelen, VITO -
Bruno Henry de Frahan, UCL -
Ann Van Herzele, VUB -
Roger White, Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Contract number: SD/TA/01A - SD/TA/01B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): A Multiscalar and Multiagent Modelling Framework for Assessing
Sustainable Futures in a Globalised Environment
- Summary (phase
1): A Multiscalar and Multiagent Modelling Framework for Assessing
Sustainable Futures in a Globalised Environment
- Final Report: A Multiscalar and Multiagent Modelling Framework for Assessing
Sustainable Futures in a Globalised Environment
- Summary of the results: A Multiscalar and Multiagent Modelling Framework for Assessing Sustainable Futures in a Globalised Environment
Dashboard aimed at decision-makers and citizens in place management, within SD principles.
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Budget: 367.097 €
- Keywords: Collaborative/cooperative tools,Territorial intelligence,
Ethical governance, Multiscalar networks, Citizen participation,
Sustainable Development Education and Training
- Promotors:
Serge Schmitz, ULg -
Etienne Van Hecke, KULeuven -
Christine Partoune, IEP
- Contract number: SD/TA/02A
CONstruction of ScENarios and exploration of Transition pathways for SUStainable consumption patterns
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 796.035€
- Keywords: Sustainable consumption, scenario building and analysis, backcasting,
transition management
- Promotors: Erik Paredis / Ruddy Doom, UGent -
Edwin Zaccaï, ULB -
Paul-Marie Boulanger, IDD
- Contract number: SD/TA/03A - SD/TA/03B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): CONstruction of ScENarios and exploration of Transition
pathways for SUStainable consumption patterns
- Summary (phase
1): CONstruction of ScENarios and exploration of Transition pathways
for SUStainable
consumption patterns
- Final Report: CONstruction of ScENarios and exploration of Transition pathways
for SUStainable consumption patterns
- Annexes:
- Appendix 1: interviews part III
- Appendix 2: meetings and conferences part III
- Appendix 3 : List of written material
- Summary of the results: CONstruction of ScENarios and exploration of Transition pathways
for SUStainable consumption patterns
- Publications – WP6 –WP7
Design and renovation of urban public spaces toward sustainable cities
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 01/01/2007 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 795.169€
- Keywords: Sustainable development, city, urban design, public space
Promotors: André De Herde, UCL -
Gerrit Vermeir, KULeuven -
Marie-Françoise Godart, ULB -
Yves Hanin, UCL
- Contract number: SD/TA/05A - SD/TA/05B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Design and renovation of urban public spaces toward sustainable
- Summary (phase
1): Design and renovation of urban public spaces toward sustainable
- Final Report: Design and renovation of urban public spaces toward sustainable
- Summary of the results: Design and renovation of urban public spaces toward sustainable
Towards theoretically sound and democratically legitimate indicators of well being in Belgium
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 721.668€
- Keywords: Sustainable well-being, indicators, capabilities-functionings, spheres
of existence, focus groups, Q-methodology
- Promotors: Paul-Marie Boulanger, IDD -
Edwin Zaccaï, ULB -
Kris Bachus / Luc Van Ootegem, KULeuven
- Contract number: SD/TA/09A - SD/TA/09B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Towards theoretically sound and democratically legitimate indicators
of well being in Belgium
- Summary (phase
1): Towards theoretically sound and democratically legitimate indicators of
well being in Belgium
- Final Report: Towards theoretically sound and democratically legitimate indicators
of well being in Belgium
- Summary of the results: Towards indicators of Well-being for Belgium
SCoPE (seriousness, corroboration, perception, and economy): an integrated assessment frame as science policy interface for decisions on (environment-related) risks
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 01/01/2007 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 602.414€
- Keywords: Environmental risks, health, risk perception, cost, communication,
policy support
- Promotors: Rudi Torfs, VITO -
Catherine Zwetkoff, ULg
- Contract number: SD/TA/10A - SD/TA/10B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): SCoPE (seriousness, corroboration, perception, and economy):
an integrated assessment frame as science policy interface for
decisions on (environment-related) risks
- Summary (phase
1): SCoPE (seriousness, corroboration, perception, and economy): an integrated assessment frame as science policy interface for decisions on (environment-related) risks
- Final Report: SCoPE (seriousness, corroboration, perception, and economy):
an integrated assessment frame as science policy interface for
decisions on (environment-related) risks
- Summary of the results: SCoPE (seriousness, corroboration, perception, and economy):
an integrated assessment frame as science policy interface for
decisions on (environment-related) risks
Fostering Sustainable Behaviors: Community-Based Social Marketing
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 01/01/2007 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 737.414€
- Keywords: social psychology, marketing, fostering sustainable behavior
- Promotors: Benoit Dardenne, ULg -
Luk Warlop, KULeuven -
Steven Vromman, Ecolife -
Jean-Marie Savino, Espace Environnement
- Contract number: SD/TA/11A - SD/TA/11B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Fostering Sustainable Behaviors: Community-Based Social Marketing
- Summary (phase
1): Fostering Sustainable Behaviors: Community-Based
Social Marketing
- Final
Report: Fostering Sustainable Behaviors: Community-Based Social Marketing
- Annexe: Minutes of the follow-up committee meeting
- Summary of the results: Fostering Sustainable Behaviors: Community- Based Social Marketing
Integration of Standardisation, Ecodesign and Users in Energy Using Products
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 01/01/2007 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 709.511€
- Keywords: Ecodesign, standardisation, use phase, energy, consumers
- Promotors: Edwin Zaccaï, ULB -
Catherine Rousseau, CRIOC -
Didier Goetghebuer, ICEDD
- Contract number: SD/TA/07A - SD/TA/07B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Integration of Standardisation, Ecodesign and Users in Energy
Using Products
- Summary (phase
1): Integration of Standardisation, Ecodesign and Users in Energy Using Products
- Final Report: Integration of Standards, Ecodesign and Users in Energy-Using Products
- Summary of the results: Household energy consumption, design, energy-using products, practice theory, ecodesign directive, standards, efficiency, sufficiency, electricity monitor, learning process, appropriation, experimental strategy.
Sustainability, Financial and Quality evaluation of Dwelling types
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 01/01/2007 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget1: 790.292€
- Keywords: Housing sector, LCA, LCC, ROI, optimisation, standardisation
- Promotors: F. De Troyer KULeuven - J. Van Dessel CSTC - T. Geerken VITO
- Contract number: SD/TA/12A - SD/TA/12B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Sustainability, Financial and Quality evaluation of Dwelling
- Summary; (phase
1): Sustainability, Financial and Quality evaluation of Dwelling
- Final Report: Sustainability, Financial and Quality evaluation of Dwelling
- Annex 1: Copy of the publications
- Annex 2: Minutes of the follow-up committee meetings
- Summary of the results: Sustainability, Financial and Quality evaluation of Dwelling
Mobilities and long term location choices in Belgium
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 01/01/2007 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 564.774€
- Keywords: mobility, demography, location, accessibility, migration
Promotors: Philippe Toint, FUNDP - Thierry Eggerickx, UCL - Philippe Gerber,
- Contract number: SD/TA/04A - SD/TA/04B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Mobilities and long term location choices in Belgium
- Summary (phase 1): Mobilities and long term location choices in Belgium
- Final Report: Mobilities and long term location choices in Belgium
- Annexes 1 & 2
- Copy of the publications
- Minutes of the first follow-up
- Summary of the results: Mobilities and long term location choices in Belgium
Mobility and the Elderly: Successful Ageing in a Sustainable Transport System
- Duration of the project: 01/01/2007 – 31/01/2009
- Budget: 317.030 €
- Keywords: Ageing society, local transport policy, accessibility,
mobility needs, transport behaviour
- Promotors: Ilse Vleugels, Mobiel 21 -
Dominique Verté, VUB -
Pierre Lannoy, ULB
- Contract number: SD/TA/06A
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report:
Mobility and the Elderly: Successful Ageing in a Sustainable
Transport System
- Summary: Mobility and the Elderly: Successful Ageing in a Sustainable Transport System
- Brochure: Ouderen werken aan Duurzame mobiliteit: succesvol ouder worden in een duurzaam transportsysteem
- Brochure : Les aînés travaillent à la mobilité durable: vieillir décemment dans un système de transport durable
Development of an integrated spatio-economic-ecological modeling framework for the analysis of overall impacts of sustainability policy measures.
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Budget: 389.156 €
- Keywords: Sustainable development, new economic geography, spatio-temporal
analysis, use of natural resources, land use and transportation
models, environmental effects
- Promotors: Olga Ivanova, Transport & Mobility Leuven -
Inge Mayeres, Federaal Planbureau -
Bertrand Hamaide, FUSL -
Frank Witlox, UGent
- Contract number: SD/TA/08A
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report:
Development of an integrated spatio-economic-ecological modeling
for the analysis of overall impacts of sustainability policy measures.
- Summary:
Development of an integrated spatio-economic-ecological modeling
framework for the analysis of overall impacts of sustainability policy measures.