Advanced exploitation of Ground-based measurements for Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate applications
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2005 – 14/12/2007
- Phase 2: 15/12/2007 – 14/12/2009
- Budget: 1.116.826€
- Keywords: source gases, water vapour, aerosols, remote sensing, atmospheric composition
- Promotors: M. De Mazière, BIRA-IASB -
H. De Backer, IRM-KMI -
M. Carleer, ULB-
E. Mahieu, ULg
- Contract number: SD/AT/01A - SD/AT/01B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Advanced exploitation of ground-based measurements for atmospheric
chemistry and climate applications (AGACC)
- Summary (phase
1): Advanced exploitation of ground-based measurements for atmospheric
chemistry and climate applications (AGACC)
- Final Report: Advanced exploitation of ground-based measurements for atmospheric
chemistry and climate applications (AGACC)
- Summary of the results: Advanced exploitation of ground-based measurements for atmospheric
chemistry and climate applications (AGACC)
Formation mechanisms, marker compounds, and source apportionment for BIOgenic atmospheric aeroSOLs
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2005 – 14/12/2007
- Phase 2: 15/12/2007 – 14/12/2009
- Budget: 1.045.872€
- Keywords: Isoprene, Biogenic, Secondary Organic Aerosol, Formation Processes,
Indicator Compounds, Source Apportionment
- Promotors: W. Maenhaut, UGent -
M. Claeys, UA -
I. Janssens, UA -
M. Kulmala, FINLAND
- Contract number: SD/AT/02A - SD/AT/02B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Formation mechanisms, marker compounds and source apportionment
for biogenic atmospheric aerosols (BIOSOL)
- Summary (phase
1): Formation mechanisms, marker compounds and source apportionment
for biogenic atmospheric aerosols (BIOSOL)
- Final Report: Formation mechanisms, marker compounds
and source apportionment for biogenic
atmospheric aerosols (BIOSOL)
- Summary of the results: Formation mechanisms, marker compounds
and source apportionment for biogenic
atmospheric aerosols (BIOSOL)
Impact of Biogenic emissions on Organic aerosols and Oxidants in the Troposphere
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2005 – 14/12/2007
- Phase 2: 15/12/2007 – 14/12/2009
- Budget: 685.568 €
- Keywords: Biogenic emissions, secondary organic aerosols, VOC oxidation mechanisms, troposphere, ozone, oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere
- Promotors: J.F. Muller, BIRA-IASB -
J. Peeters, KULeuven -
G. Moortgat, GERMANY
- Contract number: SD/AT/03A
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Impact of biogenic emissions on organic aerosols and oxidants
in the troposphere (IBOOT)
- Summary (phase
1): Impact of biogenic emissions on organic aerosols and oxidants
in the troposphere (IBOOT)
- Final Report: Impact of biogenic emissions on organic aerosols and oxidants
in the troposphere (IBOOT)
- Summary of the results: Impact of biogenic emissions on organic aerosols and oxidants
in the troposphere (IBOOT)
Cyanobacterial blooms: toxicity, diversity, modelling and management
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2005 – 14/12/2007
- Phase 2: 15/12/2007 – 14/12/2009
- Budget: 1.081.253€
- Keywords: Cyanobacteria blooms, diversity, toxicity, modelling, prediction,
- Promotors: Jean-Pierre Descy, FUNDP -
Wim Vyverman, UGent -
Ludwig Triest, VUB -
Annick Wilmotte, ULg -
Geoffrey A., Codd University of Dundee
- Contract number: SD/TE/01A
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Cyanobacterial blooms: toxicity, diversity, modelling and management
- Summary (phase
1): Cyanobacterial blooms: toxicity, diversity, modelling and management
- Final Report: Cyanobacterial blooms: toxicity, diversity, modelling and management
- Summary of the results: Cyanobacterial blooms: toxicity, diversity, modelling and management
Flux-based Risk Assessment of the impact of Contaminants on Water resources and ECOsystems
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 01/01/2007 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 1.091.000€
- Keywords: hydrology, ecotoxicology, biogeochemical processes, contaminated sites,
vulnerability and risk assessment, socio-economical analysis
- Promotors:
Serge Brouyère / Alain Dassargues, ULg -
Jean-Pierre Thomé, ULg -
Ludo Diels / Karolien Vanbroekhoven, VITO -
Okke Batelaan / Frank Canters, VUB -
Cécile Hérivaux, BRGM
- Contract number: SD/TE/02A
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Flux-based Risk Assessment of the impact of Contaminants on
Water resources and ECOsystems
- Summary (phase
1): Flux-based Risk Assessment of the impact of Contaminants on Water resources
and ECOsystems
- Final Report: Flux-based Risk Assessment of the impact of Contaminants on
Water resources and ECOsystems
- Annex
Impact of phenology and environmental conditions on BVOC emissions from forest ecosystems
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 1.123.952€
- Keywords: Forest ecology, global climate change, meteorology, BVOC inventory,
eddy covariance
- Keywords: Biofuels, environmental performance, micro-economic analysis, macro-economie
analysis, scenario calculations
- Promotors: Raoul Lemeur, UGent -
Jo Dewulf / Herman Van Langenhove, UGent -
Crist Amelynck / Niels Schoon / Jean-François Müller, Belgian
Institute for Space Aeronomy -
Marc Aubinet, FUSAGx
- Contract number: SD/TE/03A
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Impact of phenology and environmental conditions on BVOC emissions
from forest ecosystems
- Summary (phase
1): Impact of phenology and environmental conditions on BVOC emissions from forest ecosystems
- Final Report: Impact of phenology and environmental conditions on BVOC emissions
from forest ecosystems
- Summary of the results: Impact of phenology and environmental conditions on BVOC emissions from forest ecosystems
Macrophytes and nutrient dynamics: process and field studies in
the upper reaches of river basins
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 853.480€
- Keywords: Nutrient cycling, macrophytes, modeling, heavy metals
- Promotors: Patrick Meire, UA -
Frank Dehairs / Natacha Brion, VUB -
Jean-Luc Vasel, ULg -
Tjeerd J. Bouma, Netherlands Institute of Ecology
- Contract number: SD/TE/04A - SD/TE/04B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Macrophytes and nutrient dynamics: process and field studies
in the upper reaches of river basins
- Summary (phase
1): Macrophytes and nutrient dynamics: process and field studies in the upper
reaches of river basins
Valuation of Terrestrial Ecosystem Services in a multifunctional peri-urban space
- Duration of the project: 15/12/09 - 31/01/12
- Budget: 359 965€
- Keywords: -
- Promotors: Nicolas Dendoncker, FUNDP - Louis François, ULG - Ann Van Herzele, VUB - Guenaël Devillet, ULG
- Contract number: SD/TE/05A
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Final Report: Valuation of Terrestrial Ecosystem Services in a multifunctional peri-urban space
ECOsystem services of FRESHwater systems
- Duration of the project: 15/12/09 - 31/01/12
- Budget: 360 000€
- Keywords: -
- Promotors: P. Meire, UA - Léo De Nocker , VITO - L. De Meester , KULeuven - Peter Goethals, UGent - Francis Turkelboom, INBO
- Contract number: SD/TE/06A
Mycorrhizae impact on biodiversity and C-balance of grassland ecosystems under changing climate
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Budget: 320.949 €
- Keywords: Grassland, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, climate change, biodiversity,
ecosystem model, carbon
- Promotors: Stéphane Declerck, UCL -
Reinhart Ceulemans / Ivan Nijs, UA
- Contract number: SD/BD/05A
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report: Mycorrhizae impact on biodiversity and C-balance of grassland
ecosystems under changing climate
Assessment of the effects of tree species BIOdiversity on FORest ecosystem functioning
- Cluster of the research projects Fefocon, Econet, Castec, Safe, Belfor, Xylobios, Impecvoc, Belgian Biodiversity Platform
- Duration of the project:15/12/2007- 31/03/2010
- Budget: 99.698€
- Keywords: Ecosystem functioning, functional biodiversity, experiments, keystone species, mixed forests, forest conversion.
- Promotors: Kris Verheyen, UGent
- Contract number: SD/CL/01
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Final report: Assessment of the effects of tree species BIOdiversity on FORest ecosystem functioning
- Annex 1: Copy of the publications
- Annex 1.1: Special FORBIO issue of BosRevue
- Annex
1.2: Special FORBIO issue of Forêt Wallone
- Annex
1.3: FORBIO posters presented at the Foire de Libramont
- Annex
1.4: FORBIO-related contributions for the Scientific Block - Calender 2011 of Natuur & Techniek
- Annex 2: Minutes of the follow-up committee meetings
- Annex 2.1: Minutes of the first Follow Up Committee Meeting
- Annex 2.2: Minutes of the second Follow Up Committee Meeting
- Annex 2.3: Minutes of the TreeDivNet workshop
- Annex 3: Announcement of forbio conference on 04/02/11
- Annex 4: Media coverage of the forbio-experiment
- Summary: Assessment of the effects of tree species BIOdiversity on FORest ecosystem functioning
Evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation responses for marine activities
Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/01/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 1.099.925€
- Keywords: Climate change impact, adaptation, socio-economic activities, marine
ecosystem, evaluation tool
- Promotors: Dries Van den Eynde, MUMM -
Renaat De Sutter, ECOLAS -
Frank Maes, UGent -
Toon Verwaest; Flanders Hydraulics Research -
Hans Polet, ILVO
- Contract number: SD/NS/01A - SD/NS/01B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Evaluation of climate change impacts and
adaptation responses for marine activities
- Summary (phase 1): Evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation responses for marine
- Final Report: Evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation responses
for marine activities
Combined Effect of Changing Hydroclimate and human activity on Coastal Ecosystem
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/01/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 1.116.723€
- Keywords: Eutrophication, mussel farming, climate change, Phaeocystis, ecosystem
health,ecological modeling
- Promotors: Christiane Lancelot, ULB -
Kevin Ruddick, MUMM -
Daan Delbare, ILVO-
Philippe Grosjean, UMH
- Contract number: SD/NS/03A - SD/NS/03B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Combined Effect of Changing Hydroclimate
and human activity on Coastal Ecosystem Health
- Summary: Combined Effect of Changing Hydroclimate and human activity on Coastal Ecosystem Health
- Final Report: Combined Effect
of Changing Hydroclimate
and human activity on Coastal
Ecosystem Health
Microbial diversity and metal fluxes in contaminated North Sea sediments
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/01/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 883.681€
- Keywords: Heavy-metals, marine sediments, microorganisms, biodiversity, RNA sequencing,
- Promotors: Philippe Dubois / David C. Gillan, ULB -
Koen Sabbe, UGent -
Willy Baeyens / Martine Leermakers, VUB -
Jean-Claude Fischer, USTL
- Contract number: SD/NS/04A - SD/NS/04B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Microbial diversity and metal fluxes in contaminated North
Sea sediments
- Summary (phase 1): Microbial diversity and metal fluxes in contaminated North Sea sediments
- Final Report: Microbial diversity and metal fluxes in contaminated North
Sea sediments
Land Use Changes and Si Transport through the Scheldt River Basin
- Duration of the project: 01/01/2007 – 31/07/2009
- Budget: 653.782 €
- Keywords: Land use changes, Si transport, weathering, eutrophication,
Scheldt basin
- Promotors: Patrick Meire, UA -
Gerard Govers, KULeuven -
Bas Van Wesemael, UCL
- Contract number: SD/NS/05A
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Land
Use Changes and Si Transport through the Scheldt River Basin
- Summary (phase
1): Land
Use Changes and Si Transport through the Scheldt River Basin
- Final Report:
Land Use Changes and Si Transport through the Scheldt River Basin
- Summary of the results: Land
Use Changes and Si Transport through the Scheldt River Basin
QUantification of Erosion/Sedimentation patterns to Trace the natural versus anthropogenic sediment dynamics
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 01/01/2007 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 1.054.905€
- Keywords: Physical ecosystem; sea-level rise; long-term impact; erosion/sedimentation;
sand/mud balance; sustainable exploitation/management criteria
- Promotors: Vera Van Lancker, UGent -
Michael Fettweis, MUMM -
Jaak Monbaliu, KULeuven -
Toon Verwaest, Flanders Hydraulics Research -
Magda Vincx, UGent
- Contract number: SD/NS/06A - SD/NS/06B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): QUantification of Erosion/Sedimentation patterns to Trace the
natural versus anthropogenic sediment dynamics
- Summary (phase 1): QUantification of Erosion/Sedimentation patterns to Trace the natural versus anthropogenic sediment dynamics
- Final Report: QUantification of Erosion/Sedimentation patterns to Trace the
natural versus anthropogenic sediment dynamics
- Annexes
Integrated monitoring for risk assessment of micropollutants: linking ecology and human health
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 1.105.091€
- Keywords: Micropollutants; ecological risk assessment; human health effecs; foodchain
transfer; monitoring tools; integrated coastal zone management.
- Promotors: Colin Janssen, UGent -
Patrick Roose, MUMM -
Hubert De Brabander, UGent -
Magda Vincx, UGent -
Jan Mees, VLIZ
- Contract number: SD/NS/02A - SD/NS/02B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): Integrated risk assessment and monitoring of micropollutants
in the belgian coastal zone
- Final Report: Integrated risk assessment and monitoring of micropollutants
in the belgian coastal zone
WestBanks: understanding benthic, pelagic and air-borne ecosystem interactions in shallow coastal seas
- Duration of the project:
- Phase 1: 15/12/2006 – 31/01/2009
- Phase 2: 01/02/2009 – 31/01/2011
- Budget: 1.149.463€
- Keywords: Benthic-pelagic coupling, benthos, demersal fish, dispersal, terns,
- Promotors: Magda Vincx / Jan Vanaverbeke, UGent -
Filip Volckaert, KULeuven -
Eric Stienen, INBO -
Karline Soetaert, Netherlands Institute of Ecology -
Jan Mees, Flanders Marine Institute
- Contract number: SD/BN/01A - SD/BN/01B
- Technical sheet
- Project
- Final reports:
- Report (phase
1): WestBanks: understanding benthic, pelagic and air-borne ecosystem
interactions in shallow coastal seas
- Summary (phase
1): WestBanks: understanding benthic, pelagic
and air-borne ecosystem interactions in shallow coastal seas
- Final Report: WestBanks: understanding benthic, pelagic and air-borne ecosystem
interactions in shallow coastal seas
Atmospheric deposition fluxes to the Belgian marine waters originating from ship emissions
- Duration of the project: 1/09/2009 – 31/08/2011
- Budget: 179.761 €
- Keywords:
- Promotors: René Van Grieken, UA - Clemens Mensink, VITO
- Contract number: SD/NS/07A
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Final Report: Atmospheric deposition fluxes to the Belgian marine waters originating from ship emissions
An integrated impact assessment of trammel net and beam trawl fisheries
- Duration of the project: 1/05/2009 – 30/11/2011
- Budget: 178.424 €
- Keywords:
- Promotors: Jochen Depestele, ILVO - Eric Stienen, INBO - Steven Degraer, MUMM - Magda Vincx UGent
- Contract number: SD/NS/08A
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Report: An integrated impact assessment of trammel net and beam trawl fisheries
Ecosystem sensitivity to invasive species
- Duration of the project: 1/03/2009 – 28/02/2011
- Budget: 179.778 €
- Keywords:
- Promotors: Steven Degraer, MUMM - Magda Vincx, UGent, Mar Biol - Eric Stienen, INBO -Vera Van Lancker, MUMM - Johan Craemeersch, IMARES (NL)
- Contract number: SD/NS/09A
Development of an integrated software for forecasting the impacts of accidental oil pollution
- Duration of the project: 1/09/2009 – 31/08/2011
- Budget: 179.410 €
- Keywords:
- Promotors: Sébastien Legrand, MUMM
- Contract number: SD/NS/10A
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Final Report: Development of an integrated software for forecasting the impacts of accidental oil pollution
An ecosystem approach in sustainable fisheries management through local ecological knowledge
- Duration of the project: 1/07/2009 – 30/06/2011
- Budget: 177.250 €
- Keywords:
- Promotors: Frank Maes, Ugent,
- Contract number: SD/NS/11A
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Final Report: An ecosystem approach in sustainable fisheries management through local ecological knowledge
- Book: An ecosystem approach in sustainable fisheries management through local ecological knowledge in Belgium (LECOFISH).
Assessment of Marine Debris on the Belgian Continental Shelf: occurrence and effects
- Duration of the project: 1/07/2009 – 30/06/2011
- Budget: 179.619 €
- Keywords:
- Promotors: Colin Janssen, Ugent - Jan Mees, VLIZ - Eric Stienen, INBO
- Contract number: SD/NS/12A
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Final Report: Assessment of Marine Debris on the Belgian Continental Shelf: occurrence and effects
Belgian Ocean Energy Assessment
- Duration of the project: 1/06/2009 – 31/05/2011
- Budget: 179.351 €
- Keywords:
- Promotors: Julien De Rouck, Ugent - Jaak Monbaliu, KULeuven - Dries Van den Eynde, MUMM - Toon Verwaest , WLH
- Contract number: SD/NS/13A
Resuscitation of the data collected during the first years of modern oceanography in Belgium
- Duration of the project: 1/08/2009 – 31/07/2011
- Budget: 130.226 €
- Keywords:
- Promotors: Serge Scory, MUMM
- Contract number: SD/NS/14A
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Final Report: Resuscitation of the data collected during the first years of modern oceanography in Belgium
Advanced exploitation of Ground-based measurements for Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate applications)
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2010 – 31/03/2015
- Budget: 1.194.472€
- Keywords: Ground-based remote sensing; atmospheric composition, climate change, spectrometry
- Promotors: Martine De Mazière, BIRA-IASB - Hugo De Backer, IRM-KMI - Jean Vander Auwera, ULB - Emmanuel Mahieu , ULg
- Contract number: SD/CS/07A
Sustainability of tropical forest biodiversity and services under climate and human pressure
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2010 – 31/03/2015
- Budget: 798.888 €
- Keywords: Biodiversity, ecosystem services, Congo Basin forests, climate change, social change, modelling
- Promotors: Alain Hambuckers, ULG - Nicolas Dendoncker, FUNDP - Louis François, ULG - Roseline Beudels, KBIN-IRSNB - Patrick Van Damme, UG
- Contract number: SD/AR/03A
- Technical sheet
- Project website
- Final reports:
- Final reports: Sustainability of tropical forest biodiversity and services under climate and human pressure
Cholera outbreaks at Lake Tanganyika induced by Climate Change?
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2010 – 31/03/2015
- Budget: 797.413 €
- Keywords: Cholera, epidemiology, bacteriology, limnology, climate change, phytoplankton, zooplankton, numerical simulation,
Lake Tanganyika, Africa.
- Promotors: Pierre-Denis Plisnier, MRAC-KMMA - Yves Cornet, ULg - Christine Cocquyt, JB Meise - Jan Jacob, Inst tropical médecine - Eric Deleersnijder, UCL
- Contract number: SD/AR/04A
Congo basin: From carbon to fishes
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2010 – 31/03/2015
- Budget: 460.812 €
- Keywords: Congo River, ecosystem functioning, biogeochemistry, biodiversity, food web
- Promotors: Erik Verheyen, KBIN/IRSNB - Alberto Borges, Ulg - Steven Bouillon, KULeuven - Christine Cocquyt, JB Meise - Jos Snoeks, MRAC-KMMA
- Contract number: SD/AR/05A
Congo basin integrated monitoring for forest carbon mitigation and biodiversity
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2010 – 31/03/2015
- Budget: 909.796 €
- Keywords: Congo basin, Carbon, biodiversity, REDD+, remote sensing
- Promotors: Pascal Boeckx, UG - Hans Verbeeck, UG - Hans Beeckman, MRAC-KMMA - Jan Bogaert, ULB - Pierre Defourny, UCL - Steven Dessein, JB Meise - Erik Verheyen, IRM-KMI - Herwig Leirs, UA
- Contract number: SD/AR/01A
East African Great Lake Ecosystem Sensitivity to changes
- Duration of the project: 15/12/2010 – 31/03/2015
- Budget: 799.781 €
- Keywords: Lake Kivu, environmental change, biogeochemistry, productivity, sediment archives, climate, modelling
- Promotors: Jean-Pierre Descy, FUNDP - Luc André, MRAC-KMMA - Steven Bouillon, KULeuven - Alberto Borges, Ulg - Wim Vyverman, Ugent - Yves Cornet, Ulg - Nicole Van Lipzig & Matthias Demuzere, KULeuven
- Contract number: SD/AR/02A
BElgium Ecosystem Services - A new vision for society-nature interactions
- Cluster of the research projects
- Other: Ccaspar - Climate change And changes in SPAtial structures in Flanders(SBO-IWT) - ECOPLAN - Planning for ecosystem services (voortraject SBO-IWT)
- Duration of the project:: 15/12/2012- 31/01/2012
- Budget Phase 1: 99.227€
- Keywords:
- Promotors: Patrick Meire, UA - Inge Liekens, VITO - Francis Turkelboom, INBO - Luc De Meester, KUL - Edwin Zaccaï / Tom Bauler / Lé Sebastien, ULB - Alain Peeters, RHEA
- Contract number: SD/CL/005
Development of Belgian REDD Information Systems
- Cluster of the research projects
- NEA Forest: Forest monitoring for greenhouse gas information in Northeastern Asia (ESA).
- Method development and model adjustments for expanding the environmental costing model with greenhouse gases (project for Department Environment, Nature and Energy).
- Saint Lucia forests inventory for validating REDD credits (VITO funded project, presented at side event UNFCCC conference Bonn June 2009).
- Duration of the project:: 15/12/2012- 31/01/2012
- Budget Phase 1: 99.844€
- Keywords:
- Promotors: Tom Dauwe, VITO - Else Swinnen, VITO - Eric Lambin, UCL - Bruno Verbist, KUL - Jan Nyssen, UG
- Contract number: SD/CL/010