Biodiversa+ - The European Biodiversity Partnership

Biodiversa+ werd officieel gelanceerd op 1 oktober 2021 voor een periode van 7 jaar. Het partnership bouwt verder op bijna 20 jaar erfenis van BiodivERsA, het pan-Europese biodiversiteitsnetwerk waaraan BELSPO sinds het begin in 2005 heeft deelgenomen. 

Biodiversa+ voert een ambitieus programma uit om ervoor te zorgen dat de natuur in Europa zich tegen 2030 weer kan herstellen.

Biodiversa+ is mede opgezet door de Europese Commissie (DG Onderzoek & Innovatie en DG Milieu). Het partnerschap bestaat momenteel uit meer dan 80 partners: ministeries, instanties die onderzoek financieren en milieuorganisaties uit 40 Europese en geassocieerde landen.

Een kernactiviteit van het partnerschap is het plannen en ondersteunen van onderzoek naar biodiversiteit in gezamenlijke onderzoekproject oproepen, vaak mede gefinancierd door de Europese Commissie .

BELSPO heeft als financier van het partnerschap bijgedragen aan 11 pan-Europese biodiversa oproepen die sinds 2008 werden gelanceerd en heeft ervoor gezorgd dat meer dan 40 Belgische teams konden deelnemen aan de 147 projecten die geselecteerd werden omwille van hun hoge wetenschappelijke kwaliteit en maatschappelijke relevantie.

Hier vindt u de lijst met projecten die worden gefinancierd door Belspo.

The BiodivERsA+ is co-funded by the European Union

2022 – 2023 BiodivMon
BiodivERsA+ projecten in het programma Brain-be 2.0

    Developing data management and analytical tools to integrate and advance professional and citizen science camera-trapping initiatives across Europe
  • CoForFunc
    Toward a biome-scale monitoring of the Congo basin FORest FUNCtional composition
  • DNASense
    From gene to landscapes: development of environmental impact assessment tools for marine biodiversity monitoring using eDNA and remote sensing techniques
    Genetic Indicators for NAture Monitoring
  • HiRAD
    Harmonizing and integrating Radar-based approaches for monitoring Aerial bioDiversity
  • MonitAnt
    Developing a European-level Monitoring strategy for mound- building Formica Ants and symbiont communities residing in nest mounds
  • NorTrack
    The Northeast Atlantic Marine Tracking Network
  • Sub-BioMon
    Developing and testing approaches to monitor subterranean biodiversity in karst
    Transnational biodiversity and ecosystem assessment approaches for pondscapes in Europe
    Weddell Sea Observatory of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Change

2021 – 2022 BiodivProtect
BiodivERsA+ projecten in het programma Brain-be 2.0

  • DarCo
    The vertical dimension of conservation: A cost-effective plan to incorporate subterranean ecosystems in post-2020 biodiversity and climate change agendas

2020 – 2021 BiodivRestore
BiodivERsA+ projecten in het programma Brain-be 2.0

  • InterRest
    Interactive effects of local and landscape scale restoration of semi-natural grasslands and agricultural fields on species interactions and ecosystem functions in different social-ecological systems

2019 – 2020 BiodivClim
BiodivERsA+ projecten in het programma Brain-be 2.0

  • EPICC 
    Environmental Policy Instruments across Commodity Chains (EPICC): Comparing multi-level governance for Biodiversity Protection and Climate Action in Brazil, Colombia, and Indonesia
  • MixForChanges 
    Mixed Forest plantations for climate change mitigation and adaptation
    Peatland Rewetting In Nitrogen-Contaminated Environments: Synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity, climate, water quality and Society

2018 – 2019 BiodivHealth
BiodivERsA+ projecten in het programma Brain-be 2.0

    Biodiversity changes in African forests and Emerging Infectious Diseases: should we worry?

2017 – 2018 BiodivScen
BiodivERsA projecten in het programma Brain-be

  • GloBAM
    Towards monitoring, understanding and forecasting Global Biomass flows of Aerial Migrants

2015 – 2016 BiodivDynamics
BiodivERsA projecten in het programma Brain-be

  • BIO-Tide-BE
    The role of microbial biodiversity in the functioning of marine tidal flat sediments
    Climate change impacts on Arctic soil and lake microbiomes
    REstoration and prognosis of PEAT formation in fens – linking diversity in plant functional traits to soil biological and biogeochemical processes
    Predicting European forest soil biodiversity and its functioning under climate change
    Understanding and Managing Urban Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Communities to Increase the Health and Ecosystem Service Provisioning of Urban Trees
    Connectivity of green and blue infrastructures: living veins for biodiverse and healthy cities
    Functional connectivity and green infrastructure
    Integrative Management of Green Infrastructures Multifunctionality, Ecosystem integrity and Ecosystem Services: From assessment to regulation in socio-ecological systems
    Managing urban Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure to increase city resilience
    Connectivity patterns and processes along a gradient of European landscapes with woody vegetation and spatial heterogeneity

2012 – 2013 BiodivInvasives
BiodivERsA projecten in het programma Brain-be

    Detection of plant invasive species and assessment of their impact on ecosystem properties through remote sensing
    EXperimentally Orientated genomics to Tackle Insects adaptive Challenges during bioinvasions: the ladybird Harmonia axyridis as a model species
    INVAsive biology of XENopus laievis in Europe ecology, impact and predictive models
    Responses of Europena Forests and Society to Invasive Pathogens

2011 – 2012 BiodivScen2011
BiodivERsA projecten in het programma SSD

    Congo basin forests: tipping points for biodiversity conservation and resilience of forested social and ecological systems
    REsilience of marginal GrAsslands and biodiveRsity management Decision Support
    European gradients of resilience in the face of climate extremes
    Tipping points, biodiversity, resilience and ecosystem service: Pond as model systems

2010 – 2011 BiodivValues  
BiodivERsA projecten in het programma SSD

    Integrating valuations, markets and policies for biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • SmallForest
    Biodiversity and ecosystem services of small forest fragments in European landscapes

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Aline van der Werf