Space Research and Applications

BELSPO’s "Space Research and Applications" department manages the Belgian contributions to the international space programmes in the framework of the European Space Agency (ESA) and of other intergovernmental organisations (EUMETSAT, ECMWF, ESO...), as well as in the framework of bilateral agreements. In this context, it is also in charge of the follow-up of the space activities and programmes of the European Union. Finally, the Department manages specific national R&D programmes mainly in the domain of Earth Observation.

Belgian EU Presidency

Belgian EU Presidency

  • Calendar of Belspo meetings
    Belgium holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2024, from 1 January to 30 June.
    Research, Innovation and Space : priorities of the Belgian Presidency.
Space in Belgium

Space in Belgium

  • Belgian space strategy • Belgian space Law • Key initiatives • Space actors in Belgium • Who does what in BELSPO? • Space activities by theme.
Belspo programmes and initiatives

Belspo programmes and initiatives

  • BELSPO manages a number of national programmes and initiatives: the Earth Observation Research Programme STEREO • the Centre of Image Processing (CvB) • Terrascope • the Pléiades4Belgium portal.
European Space Agency (ESA)

European Space Agency (ESA)

  • Belgium is a founding member of ESA as an intergovernmental organisation. BELSPO represents Belgium and defends the Belgian interests in the framework of ESA (Belgian Delegation).
Space in the European Union

Space in the European Union

  • BELSPO is in charge of the follow-up of the space activities and programmes of the European Union. BELSPO represents Belgium and defends the Belgian interests in the framework of the EU committees related to space.
Other international partners

Other international partners

  • Bilateral cooperations • Intergovernmental organisations • Other organisations.
Education & public

Education & public

  • Are you fascinated by space exploration? Do you want to know more about Earth Observation by satellite? Do you want to dive into the Milky Way? Whether you are a parent, teacher or student, take a look at these suggestions for space journeys.


information event




Raphaël Liégeois: new Belgian astronaut
BELSPO is happy to announce the selection of Belgian Raphaël Liégeois as an @ESA career astronaut.
After Dirk Frimout and Frank De Winne, Raphaël Liégeois will be the third Belgian astronaut selected to work as a professional astronaut in space.